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Brian Bard
Apr 9, 20241 min read
Elemental Spirituality - Class Outline for 4/16 & 4/23
Here's our outline for the upcoming class at Wisdom Ways... Elemental Spirituality: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, & Beyond!

Brian Bard
Mar 28, 202414 min read
Spirituality of the 5 Elements, in 5 Movies: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, & Beyond
On Nature Spirituality and the 5 Elements, as filmed in 5 great movies! How they depict Fire, Water, Earth, Air, & the Beyond...

Brian Bard
Mar 22, 202411 min read
Spirituality of the 5 Elements, painted by America's Greatest Landscape Painters
On Nature Spirituality and the 5 Elements, as painted by our greatest artists! How they painted Fire, Water, Earth, Air, & the Beyond...
1 comment

Brian Bard
Mar 15, 20241 min read
Class Preview for Elemental Spirituality: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, & Beyond!
Here's a video preview for my upcoming class, Elemental Spirituality: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, & Beyond!

Brian Bard
Sep 29, 20231 min read
Creature Feature: Animals as Spiritual Teachers - Class Outline for 10/6
Here's our outline for the upcoming class at Wisdom Ways... Creature Feature: Animals as Spiritual Teachers!

Brian Bard
Sep 22, 20231 min read
Preview Video for Class on 10/6 - Creature Feature: Animals as Spiritual Teachers
Watch this preview and snag your spot for my upcoming class at Wisdom Ways - Creature Feature:
Animals as Spiritual Teachers!

Brian Bard
Sep 8, 20231 min read
Calling All Animal-Lovers! Class at Wisdom Ways on October 6th!
Here's a video about my upcoming class at Wisdom Ways - Creature Feature: Animals as Spiritual Teachers!

Brian Bard
Mar 14, 20231 min read
Class Preview Video for Our Wildest Dreams, at Wisdom Ways on 3/17!
Here's a video about my upcoming class at Wisdom Ways: Our Wildest Dreams: the Transformative Power of your Soul and Subconscious!

Brian Bard
Mar 10, 20231 min read
Our Wildest Dreams - Class Outline for 3/17
Here's our outline for the upcoming class at Wisdom Ways... Our Wildest Dreams: the Transformative Power of your Soul and Subconscious!

Brian Bard
Mar 7, 20231 min read
Class Preview Video for Our Wildest Dreams, at Wisdom Ways on 3/17!
Here's a video about my upcoming class at Wisdom Ways: Our Wildest Dreams: the Transformative Power of your Soul and Subconscious!

Brian Bard
Feb 10, 20231 min read
Empowering Guidance with Brian Bard - InVocation's Interview with MysticMag
Check out this interview I did with MysticMag! I share about my background, my approach to spiritual guidance, and other topics...

Brian Bard
Sep 20, 20222 min read
What Makes a Meaningful Life? - Summary of the St. Paul, MN Lyceum 9/18/22
Lyceum is a hit! Here's a quick summary of what we covered under this rich and multi-faceted topic...

Brian Bard
Sep 16, 20221 min read
Event this Sunday!
Grab a ticket: community panel & discussion this Sunday 9/18 at Yeorg Brewing in St. Paul. Let's talk about what makes a meaningful life!

Brian Bard
Sep 9, 20221 min read
Community Conversations: join me on 9/18 in St. Paul for an event hosted by Lyceum!
Come check out this community panel & discussion on the meaning of life! 9/18 at Yeorg Brewing in St. Paul. See you there!

Brian Bard
Jun 24, 20221 min read
Sharing Circles - a Small Group Activity in 8 Simple Steps!
Simple step-by-step instructions for running a small group sharing circle!

Brian Bard
Feb 18, 20222 min read
InVocation Spiritual Guidance: What I Help People Do
Thank you for exploring InVocation! This is a menu of my spiritual guidance, direction, and coaching services. WHAT I WORK ON WITH CLIENTS:

Brian Bard
Feb 15, 20227 min read
Ideas for Meaningful Action & Sustainable Spiritual Activism
How do we generate more sustainable, spiritual activism to save our imperiled world? Here are some novel ideas and resources...

Brian Bard
Feb 11, 202210 min read
Simple Structure for your Spirituality – Part 3: Exercises for Finding Community
How do we find more structure for our spiritual journey? Here are simple tools and ideas everyone can use to cultivate Community...

Brian Bard
Feb 8, 20225 min read
Simple Structure for your Spirituality – Part 2: Exercises for Finding Consistency
How do we find more structure for our spiritual journey? Here are simple tools and ideas everyone can use to cultivate consistency...

Brian Bard
Jan 13, 20223 min read
A bit about Brian
I was fortunate to have an eclectic spiritual and religious upbringing. Growing up, I got to experience the infinite majesty and mystery...
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